Monday, July 4, 2011

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  • SunnySurya
    08-18 01:59 PM
    What we are asking is just fairness and transparency in the system.

    Though I will benifit if the OP's idea succeeds. I agree with eb3_nepa. We need to do something that will help everyone. Its not fair to seek relief to only some section of the community.

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  • Roger Binny
    05-09 07:45 PM
    On what basis the law suite will be ? i guess they we are not entitled to get GC's, its a privilege but not a right, i agree this whole GC crap is costing our families in all forms, but still, the idea of law suit doesn't have merit.

    Anything to do with EB immigration i mean even if administration is convinced to do some thing +ve, financial market and job market has to continue with +ve development atleast for few months, other wise there will be heck of outcry by the natives.

    Mean while, best thing is some one coming out with unused visa numbers math to claim them plus some convincing arguments about encouraging or supporting legal immigration, because all these EB immigrants here are paying taxes atleast half a decade to decade long and living legally as well helping america continue as a leader in technology.

    Rally's raising mexican flags costed them a lot by getting plenty of -ve attention even from immigation moderates, than doing any favor. Going squarely against them by using their own law will give a powerful tool to simply crush us in a different way,whichever country we may live in, it is never a right idea.

    Any big initiatives during the financial turmoil simply wont yeild any positive result, this may be just a common sense,as well it is also understandable that no sensible politician will be willing to help immigrants(foreigners),by poking their own people in wrong way when the unemployment is close to historic range.

    Yes i'm living in this country for almost a decade and waiting in EB3 queue, this retrogession is nothing different than not getting GC when the dates were current, both are same, only difference is we wont hope when it is purely retrogressed, end result is same.

    Sorry for my poor english.

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  • gcdreamer05
    02-01 08:36 PM
    All the best asdcrajnet.. Both countries are equally good, we have lived in both.. so we know how to adjust..

    Few points that you may need to find out before you go..

    1) Apply for POI for your kid, you may have already done it. There is a restriction that you need to visit nearby police station every 180 days if your son is in India (because he is a US citizen), try to find out more about that and see what you can do to avoid it (may be get a India visa as opposed to a POI)
    If you go to a police station, 100% guarantee they will ask for a bribe or make things difficult for us.
    2) The school fees for non-Indian citizens is very high, because your son falls under NRI category, try to find out about it, and if possible share with us too.

    Everything is good back home but there are few issues which I see are a problem,

    1) Nothing moves ahead without bribery, if we need our stuff to move up the queue, say if it is land registration or getting approval for something - it will not move with bribery and any govt office related work we need to wait a lot and service is bad, unlike here in US there is no bribing and things are so streamlined and good. We can talk about ethics and moral values and not give bribe but then our need will never get fulfilled for years if we decide to go as per queue.
    2) If you are in IT, the work hours are horrible, most of IT companies are outside city limits, we will end up going early in the morning and return late night (because hey we need to talk to onsite guys). If an employee leaves at 5:30 or 6 PM it means there he is not working - not sure when this culture would change there. Again most of them work on saturdays, so only sunday is a holiday, here in US i can leave work at 5 PM or 5:30 and come home and spend time with family.
    3) Commute is very tough back home - too much traffic than what the roads can handle, there is traffic in US too but it is decent traffic, everyone follows rules and lane sense is there. Back home it is really horrible.

    For your PD you have waited for a long time, I would suggest you wait for 1-2 more years and give it a try. We can always go back to India no one is going to stop us, but the return is not very easy. Nowadays h1b approvals and stamping has become a nightmare.

    All the best in whatever decision you make. Everything is for good :)

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  • pappu
    03-12 07:40 AM
    Well, I am not annonymous and not ran away :). I read all the posts here and having a sense of "belonging". And the word "helpless" comes to mind.

    Thank you ALL for responding to my post.

    I also sent an email to my congress-women and lets see if go through.

    Thanks again to all of you out there.
    Thanks for responding.
    Pls consider adding your story in the thread
    Pls update your profile with your contact information and name so that we can get your plight published and make some impact via media. Thanks for being part of the struggle. This community understands your plight and we are also in the same boat. Lets use this energy to work on IV action items and enable a change in the broken immigration system.


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  • raj3078
    10-24 04:34 PM
    As we get closer to election day it seems that Democrats will have control of the Congress. All the polls that have been and are being conducted show that the Democrats are leading the Republicans by double digits.

    If Democrats win the CIR will get through but the there will be a huge backlog as there arent enough people at USCIS to do the work, which in a way is retrogession. There will be relief for people with advanced degrees but on paper only.As it will still take years for their paperwork to get through USCIS, others will be in a worse situation as the waiting line would be huge.

    If Republicans win there will be no CIR as pointed out by others in the thread. However, SKIL might get through and that will help shorten the waiting period for people without advanced degrees.

    Based on my analysis (which might be completely wrong), I think we are better off with Republicans.

    At least with DEMS there is close to surety of passing one Immigration Bill even if it is CIR.... With REPs, we will never see any bill the light of day... Not sure which world you live in but check out numbersusa site and you will see how they are trying to decrease the immigration - legal or illegal alike.... So while Skill will go through Senate, it will be again blocked in house like it was in Dec2005........ So bottomline is that I would rather have some bill passed and have a hope in sight than no bill and never know if one will ever get GC

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  • apahilaj
    02-03 07:44 PM
    I have been waiting for the FP in the hope that they will be issuing it soon, its already Feb and I have not received it yet. Im the only one who has not recieved the notice yet in my friends circle, I have opened an SR last week. Mine is TSC application. Are there any TSC guys yet to receive the FP notices. Overall are there a significant number of people still waiting or is it just a few of us


    What is your 485 notice date and which state are you residing?


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  • zoooom
    07-19 09:01 PM
    contributed $100 just now

    ...through Paypal, confirmation number 0EH97012SF291823E
    Huh...Man I wish you waited more. This is seperate effort for core members. We have not yet started collecting money

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    05-28 10:13 AM
    Hi all,
    If i takeup candian pr and discontinue my h1b, can i enter usa using the canadian pr for visit purposes if i ever wanted to ?
    I have a home here and may need to visit once in a while.


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  • SunnySurya
    08-18 02:57 PM
    No with love and logic... By the way check your PM. Let me know if I am guessing it right about who u are?
    you manage people with a stick ?? :)

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  • glus
    05-23 12:01 PM
    This is awesome, glus. Thanks again for putting these fax numbers together.

    No problem...I think fax can be a strong messages since it is a hard copy and it has greater chances to get read quicker than e-mails.. Please take some time and fax them. Fax takes a minute to send if the line is not busy. Keep trying and fax them.


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  • purgan
    12-10 09:44 AM
    All the appropriations bill will be dealt by the new Democratic Congress in Jan-Feb (CR expires Feb 15). Immigratio Relief provisions can be attached to these bills...i believe there is widespread support for these among both Democrats and most Republicans

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  • dingudi
    12-16 06:56 PM
    Guys, any update on your FP notices? I have written to ombudsman almost 3 weeks ago about not receiving FP notices and nothing yet...

    What are you guys thinking as next step?

    No update from my side. I had called last week and week before that. Apparently I got the same IO the last two times and first time she told me no FP scheduled , security check cleared. Second time she said no FP scheduled and I asked about security check and she said its still pending. Imagine same IO giving inconsistent information regarding my security check. I am not even sure to believe anything they say anymore. I am not even sure if they really look it up or not.


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  • gcbikari
    02-01 12:34 PM
    Finally we have decided to go back to India for good. I filed my EB3 in May 2003. Its going to be another 4 years to get the green card. When I went to India for vacation last December, we liked it over there & the economy is booming. There are all sorts of discussion regarding the Economic Gap/Politics/Corruption/Cleanliness. But we like it over there. Finally I will have an option to do something interesting. In US I was very much dependent on my monthly pay check and afraid to take even the slightest risk. I am also scared to use the AC21(Hey, thats the way I am). I am working with the same company for last 10 years, kinda stagnant in the last 4 years. In India, there are lots of choices, either to work for a sw company or start some business on my own. I think I will take the business route.

    May be I can go there, earn well, send my son to US for college, do green card through him & come retire in US!!!

    Good Luck to everybody!!

    Great relief, moved one step up in the line!!! Just kidding. all the best man. I believe India has growth potential for next 15-20 years. India need to mix few ingredients to its growth like law & order, infrastructure, accountability, reduce bribery, traffic education etc..

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  • desi3933
    06-27 03:08 PM
    Minimum of 6 Months..


    As per law one should have intent to work full-time for the employer (or AC-21 employer) at the time of approval. There is no time period specified.

    The intent, of course, can change after some time. Lawyers differs on the duration. Some argue it is 90 days, whereas others suggest 180 days or 1 year.

    Not a legal advice.
    Green Card holder since May 2002

    desi3933 at


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  • pvpb
    09-27 02:02 PM
    Hi All,
    Quick question...we applied for NSC on aug 2nd..did not hear anything yet. Just wondering did all of u , whose cases got transfered to other centers get Transfer notices or directly receipt notices.

    I am gettign tensed as the days are passing by.


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  • pappu
    11-17 02:58 PM
    Please contact members of congress by clicking on the action alert below.

    It will only take less than a minute for you. We are requesting adding amendments in the DREAM Act coming up. This campaign will help the DC advocacy work we are doing on this bill. - Advocacy -- DREAM Act: Help the Legal Immigrants (

    Please spread the word everywhere for more participation

    Please post on this thread once you have sent the email. Keep this thread up for the next few days.

    In addition to sending the emails to the lawmakers, please take the next steps needed to get our provisions included in the Dream Act:
    1. Take appointments and meet with lawmakers explaining our provisions to the lawmakers and the need to add them to dream act. Focus on the specific message of the action alert. Following up with the email alert is a powerful advocacy tool and crucial to the success of this campaign. If you have taken an appointment, please contact IV at 202-386-6250.
    2. For members who have already established a relation with the staff members in the lawmaker offices, please contact them and explain our provisions to be included in the dream act. Focus on the specific message of the action alert.
    3. Send the feedback from the meetings to
    4. Become a volunteer to spread the message about this action alert. Simply clicking on the link above does not complete our task - it only begins the task of grass-roots advocacy. Convince your friends, colleagues to get involved in the above tasks. Numbers Matter. Use the attached flier and post it at all indian/asian malls, theaters and other hubs to help spread the message. Also include the flier in your signature.

    Spread the word Flier (


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  • mhtanim
    03-18 11:31 AM
    No FP yet either.

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  • msp1976
    03-10 06:28 AM
    And yes in the 8 yrs I have been with my company I have got 3 promotions and am now a Manager. My companys immigration lawyer said thats ok. He just joked that when you get your green card just make sure you get tripple demotion to new role.

    So when new kids on the block (<5 yrs in US) talk about GC process being screwed up, I say pick a number and wait in line. The closest example to this feeling is waiting to go to the restroom when you live in a slum and there is line of 100 ppl ahead of you to use the loo and you have loose motions :)

    well you have a cooperative lawyer and a co operative employer...That is not always the case...Sometimes the employers are just using this excuse to keep folks working in the same position just because it suits employer's interests....

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  • hariswaminathan
    09-09 07:08 PM
    Like my title says - Could it be a mistake on their part for EB3 I ? Was it meant to be 15th April 2002 ?
    In March of This year it was 15th Oct 2001. Then it goes to U for untli Oct and now its 15th April 2001 (gone back 6 months !!!!) This seems odd for a new fiscal year with new Visa Quota however small EB3I may be - are there still that many 2000-2001 applications pre-adjudicated in the system waiting for a visa that they had to roll it back ?

    08-24 07:31 PM
    This is for my wife's first time EAD.

    Category: EB2, TSC
    Priority Date: June 20, 2006
    I-485 filing date: July 17th, 2007
    Paper based EAD application Received date: Aug 8th, 2008
    LUD : Aug 12th, 2008
    Card Production Ordered : Aug 16th, 2008
    Card Received by mail : Aug 21st,2008 ( valid for 2 years)

    Whole process took around 2 weeks.

    Congratulation. That was quick. I applied for EAD renewal for me and my wife RD 7/9/2008 and still waiting.

    11-17 03:47 PM
    Some of us have established contacts with our local congressional office staff and built a rapport. Should we send those contacts an email with this text?

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  • satishdasari
    09-05 10:22 AM
    My attorney sent documents to NSC on July 2nd 10.30 AM
    Transferred from NS --> TSC with receipt date Aug 29'th.

    My cheques were cashed on Aug 29th. Have not received the receipt numbers physically by psotal mail.

    My question to you is " Will TSC send the receipt number documnets directly to me or to my Attorney?"


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  • HarshJ
    12-13 03:20 PM

    After almost 40 days of filing, here is an email I got....nothing of substance :mad:

    We have requested an appointment be scheduled for you to complete biometrics. A notice will be sent when a time becomes available.

    If you have any further questions, please call the National Customer Service Center at 1-800-375-5283.

    Please remember: By law, every person who is not a U.S. citizen and who is over the age of 14 must also notify the Department of Homeland Security within 10 days from when they move (persons in "A" or "G" nonimmigrant status are exempt from this requirement). If you have moved, please complete a Form AR-11 and mail it to the address shown on that form. If you do not have this form, you can download it from our website or you can call the National Customer Service Center at 1-800-375-5283 and we can order one for you. If you move, please call us with your new address information as soon as your move is complete. If you have already called us and given us this information, you do not need to call again.

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  • desi3933
    01-30 03:08 PM
    Have a question. My current I-94 is valid till May 2009(entered on AP last time). What happens after May2009? Do I need to get another I-94 and how?


    It is customary to put one year expiration for I-94 for AP entry. It does not mean much.

    Not a legal advice.
    US Citizen of Indian Origin

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  • WaitingYaar
    02-06 10:34 AM
    Just wondering if anyone on the forum has experience at Ottawa international while returning with either AVR or AP. Also, is there a preference if you have both AVR and AP, what to use to enter back into US? Thanks.


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  • immigrationmatters30
    07-22 08:17 AM
    Even If this happens, it will not help EB3I because then the spill over will be shared by all countries in EB3. Then there will not be any option left both for EB2 and EB3. Now atleast there is an option for some EB3 folks to move to EB2.

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  • venkee
    07-20 06:30 AM
    I pledge $100


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  • Saralayar
    08-28 03:13 PM
    Filed I485/EAD/AP on July 30th @ NSC.
    Check cashed :NO
    Receipts : NO

    can we add two polls within the date subcategories - one which tracks how many people received receipts, and another to check if they are NSC or TSC?

    Or are there other polls like this already for July 17 - Aug 17th I 485 Filers?

    There is no option to create another poll in the thread.

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  • thomachan72
    05-08 03:44 PM
    1) If the dates have retrogessed to 01/2000, that means that there are atleast some cases of 2000 that have now been cleared for processing and will be dealt with first before the rest.
    2) It also means that there are sufficient numbers of these to have caused this problem. The numbers might be sufficient to use up all of this years allocation?
    3) once these severely backlogged cases are cleared may be we can see some forward movment?

    Either way this certainly adds a couple of years to the already 4+ years of average wait. Without much exact information from the USCIS we can do nothing other than start the next prediction:D

    For sure legal alternatives wont help. the country cap is to ensure equal opportunity for smaller countries which dont have enough infrastructure as large countries such as India/china. We cannot expect the country cap to be removed.


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  • p_aluri
    10-08 01:42 PM
    I am in the same boat.. came here in 1999.

    Now my priority date is 2006. It took 3 years to get my labor with my previous company. Company filed chapter 11 within a week after my labor approved.

    Moved to consutling company and started the whole process again..

    What about people who were stuck for years in backlog and then got laid off and could not port their priority dates. I know a few who come came to US in 99 and now have a priority date of 2007 with a new employer....It should clearly be based on number of years of stay in US or expereince

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  • gcformeornot
    03-27 07:25 AM
    service rep. I tried calling could not find a way to talk to somebody to create SR. Can anybody help? What are sequence of numbers after calling 800 number...



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  • samrat_bhargava_vihari
    06-12 09:30 AM
    Fortunately, my PD became current on May 1

    Did you get your receipt?

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  • franklin
    07-10 01:15 AM
    Nor Cal conference call pm me for details if you don't already have them. Details will be posted on the Nor Cal forum (see signature for details)

    Tuesday 7/10/07. 7.30 pm


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  • Devils_Advocate
    03-07 02:05 PM
    Hey UN, with your experience, are you seeing a pattern of denials, etc happening to non bodyshopper, non consultants as well? as in, is this whole DOL/USCIS crack down across the board or is it mostly restricted to desi consultants/bodyshopers?

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  • makemygc
    06-22 11:05 AM
    My labour and I-140 is approved last year and I am working with current employer from last 1 and half years. Employer is making good money trough me.

    As now the dates are current, my employer is trying to exploit me.
    He is not responding to my mails, and not picking my phone.

    Last modified message which I got from him is that:

    The whole financials for the company changes with filing 485 for you immediately. So, it is definitely a loss for company to process your 485 immediately.

    you need to come with items that you are ready to compromise in return; so that the company also benefits by helping you."

    I am very much in tension and he is talking to me.

    Can someone suggest what may be the option for me?

    This is really a sorry situation. On one side your employer is saying wholy company's fiancial is dependent on you and on other side he is asking how can you benefit company. There is not much you can do other than doing a sweet talk him and see if you can come up with some compromise.
    He might ask you to sign some bond to stay in the company for next few years. See if you can reduce that duration as well as get the surety that will not impact your increment.

    Although several people will advise you for the aggresive stance but I don't think you would like to move in that direction.

    Other option is to file your I-485 youself or through some attorney ( other than your employer's), if you have the employment letter and I-140 approval.


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  • abq_gc
    08-18 03:00 PM
    you manage people with a stick ?? :)

    All we are asking is to support some kind of action against the USCIS...
    we just need to mobilize ourselves... this is not a fight for EB-2 or EB-3... but for the whole legal immigration system... let's just do something

    we are looking at specific situations where the legal immigrant community was affected... and right now its the non sequential processing of the applications for EB-2...

    for EB-3 we will need to make similar points which we can raise with Ombudsman or some other authority... we just need to find instances where people were affected... for example delays in EAD.. and that is for EB-2 and EB-3

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  • GCStatus
    09-14 04:48 PM
    Let's make sure that this thread or remains at the top "Recent forum posts" on IV homepage, so that more and more people can notice it and we can take a timely action. We might need some help from admin. to get this done. I see that "IV Forum login problems" thread is hardwired to remain at the top. We can do something similar for our thread.

    Dear Admin - If at all its possible?


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  • Jaime
    06-27 02:22 AM

    I had decided not to post anyhting about this illegal immigrant/racism thing. But cant help making one comment. You called others racist. But I wonder if you are doing the same by trying to show using numbers etc. how Mexicans are better than Indians. Would that not be racism? Its strange how we are blind to our own biases.

    Moderator, sorry I broke my promise. But this is the last I will say on this.

    Anyway, moving forward...It will be nice to make a list of desirable points in a bill that is independent of any cause for illegal immigrants. I will start with two points. You can add more if you like. If there is enough momentum and support for these points, then in a truly democratic environment, we may want to modify the core IV goals to reflect that (Ideally I would prefer that there be a vote for what should be the core goals...after all most people here have contributed something towards the cause...and only those who have contributed should be allowed to free lunch).

    1. Allow people to file for 485 and get EAD even if visa numbers are not available
    2. Allow EAD to be FULLY portable without restrictons (i.e., irrespective of job description or job title or job location or salary).

    The above two dont ask for sweeping changes in immigration laws such as increase visa numbers etc. etc. and are easy for the average American person to understand. And so can hopefuly be passed easily.

    With the above two passed, I dont think many people will complain if it takes another 5 years to get their GC. Agree?

    By the way, I have got my EAD card and my PD is also current. So the above two goals will be redundant for me. My story is that I am stuck in FBI namecheck. But the moderators have already indicated that it cant be one of the core goals. So I would not list that even if I would like that to be one of the core goals.



    Your post is good and you are focusing on our IV goals. Thank you for your comment. I will just say though that, as everybody knows I just reacted to others' attacks and never implied that anyone is better than anybody. People who have read my posts know my admiration for India and my belief that it will be Americans who will fight to get a job there one day. The numbers I shared are not "blinding me by my own bias" like you say at all. I fact, I used numbers in order not to be biased and rather to be fair. I just responded to some ignorant comments by some people. I have been to India and hope to go back, and have many great friends from there. What discouraged me is that some people will attack my country especially in a forum where that doesn't belong and where we are all trying to help each other. Any divisions among us are a victory for our detractors. I hope you understand. Let's focus on helping each other going forward, and let's all be friends! Thanks.

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  • ronhira
    09-26 01:21 PM
    Wow... such eloquence from a "highly skilled worker" ! Truly impressive indeed :)

    BTW, for that poster who was imagining a single line, open your eyes buddy. There are indeed two lines. Higher qualifications gets you into the shorter one. You can fret and whine all you want but you cant change the fact.

    Porting PDs is a silly concept as others have pointed it out here. Its the law for now but wont be for long. Get over it.

    i'm as much high skilled as u'r...... perhaps u did not notice that we are in the same category..... on which u'r hanging on.....

    this guy is correct.....
    All of us believe that the system which suits our individual application is the best system. Anything that doesn't work for us is just screwed-up.
    this explains y porting pd is a silly concept to you.....

    i'm in eb2 & my application is pending..... i don't think porting pd is silly just becoz a few others in eb2 think it is silly..... perhaps i know how to use my brain to form my own opinion rather than subscribing to the majority opinion of the category in which i applied for gc..... porting pd makes sense..... & it will not change..... till u don't get change to porting pd system..... i reserve the right to correctly call u a pu5sy..... get over it....

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  • ramvinay
    08-20 12:01 PM

    Did anyone get their physical Cards without getting CPO message ?

    I have recd the I-797C Approval notice on the 11th but I have not recd the physical cards as yet. BTW I did not get any welcome e-mail or CPO mail - I directly got 485 Approval e-mail and that is all.


    I am the same boat, got the approval email and a week later received the approval notice in the mail. Did not get welcome or CPO email. My approval notice says I MAY have to do biometrics again to get my PR card
    and they will notify me about appearing for biometrics if required.

    Dose your approval notice have a similar message?


    11-07 06:28 PM
    What's the customer service number and the menu to talk to one of the customer service reprasentative.
    I have called the the number 800-375-5283 and confused to select the menu.

    Can you please help me in this?



    07-20 10:17 AM

    Looks like you haven't filled in your pledge amount. Could you do please ?


    nice job guys

    I think we should extend it till monday atleast

    Miss You Always

    images And I know, it#39;s always you. Miss You Always. Miss you lil bro
  • Miss you lil bro

  • javadeveloper
    07-20 02:15 PM
    looivy, Please have a conversation and don't turn this into a pissing contest.

    What the other post said is very true. We have 45000 members in this board, a significant majority of them are EB3. Even if 50% of the members 22000 (as an example ) contributed 25$ each, IV would have more than half a million bucks. With this money EB backlog plight could easily come out in mainstream media. Just because you, as a person, contributed does not mean all of EB people are contributing. Realizing our problem is the first step in solving it. Problem is people are not willing to contribute to IV, either their money or time, but want issues solved. Doesn't work that way..

    Again the original poster is correct in his statement.

    my .02$

    Correct me If I am wrong

    out of 45K members let's assume 22.5 K are EB2 and 22.5 K are EB3.

    Even If 11.25K (EB2)+11.25K (EB3) = 22.5 K (Total) contributes $25 Each Problems gets solved ... but the catch is ....

    Even 11.25 K EB2 members are not contributing because they don't have to as their problem is solved

    Even 11.25 K EB3 members are not contributing because they are not sure even with this contribution their problems gets solved.

    Many people are saying that EB3 members are not contributing that's why you are lagging etc...

    EB3 Members who contributed are feeling the pain because even after contribution they are not getting the results and EB2 members who didn't contributed are getting the results...

    wallpaper Miss you lil bro Miss You Always. You always make me
  • You always make me

  • fundo14
    12-18 03:52 PM
    Thanks! Do you know teh procedure to open the SR?

    Miss You Always. I Love You Always and Forever
  • I Love You Always and Forever

  • Ram_C
    11-21 12:02 PM
    Dear Mehul,
    I have no words to express my feelings after reading your post.
    My heart goes out to you and your family, may God give you and your family the courage and strength to overcome this situation.
    Do not lose your hope, Miracles do happen.

    God bless you and your family.


    2011 You always make me Miss You Always. i miss you already i miss
  • i miss you already i miss

  • flresident
    08-21 06:21 PM
    This is for my wife's first time EAD.

    Category: EB2, TSC
    Priority Date: June 20, 2006
    I-485 filing date: July 17th, 2007
    Paper based EAD application Received date: Aug 8th, 2008
    LUD : Aug 12th, 2008
    Card Production Ordered : Aug 16th, 2008
    Card Received by mail : Aug 21st,2008 ( valid for 2 years)

    Whole process took around 2 weeks.


    Miss You Always. and will miss you always.
  • and will miss you always.

  • shaq
    05-19 01:13 PM
    I am waiting for FP .Even I have called TSC having intention to open SR ,i got the reply all files are up to date and they can not open SR for FP ...Files indicate that FP is complete.(God knows what they mean,whose fingerprint they have on my file) ....I have not given any FP so far except at the PORT of entry .

    Have you received your FP?

    Miss You Always. i miss you always my teeruk
  • i miss you always my teeruk

  • sanhari
    07-21 11:24 AM
    Use this forum strictly for discussions on support of EB spillover usage based on priority date. Others please look for other appropriate forums for your discussion. Not meant to hurt anybody's feelings, but to keep focused on the purpose of this forum.


    Miss You Always. I miss you the most when I#39;m
  • I miss you the most when I#39;m

  • jchan
    05-01 10:30 AM
    Be careful what you ask for. If one day, the spouse is classified in family quota and has to wait 4 more years than you do. Is this something you really want?

    2010 I Love You Always and Forever Miss You Always. And I know, it#39;s always you.
  • And I know, it#39;s always you.

  • needhelp!
    02-26 01:56 PM
    With out IV, The only two things folks on the hill knew were illegal immigration and H1B visa. Now more than 75% offices know the EB issue inside out and have a position on it. This is an effort that needs to be continued until we get a solution.

    This in itself is a stupendous achievement and IV has made it possible. 2 or 3 years back you had NO VOICE. Now you have IV. Thats enough reason contribute and feel involved in the community effort.


    Miss You Always. I miss you!
  • I miss you!

  • akhilmahajan
    02-26 11:21 AM
    There are 2 ways you can contribute.

    1) Write out a $20 cheque and send it to IV on the address listed.

    The address to mail the checks to is:

    Immigration Voice
    3561 Homestead Road #375
    Santa Clara, CA 95051-5161

    This address can also be found at:

    2) Just sign on to and send money to

    hair i miss you already i miss Miss You Always. Missing you and loving you
  • Missing you and loving you

  • feedfront
    08-26 02:48 PM
    Do you have Pritority Date written on your I-485's notice of action? It's blank for me.


    Miss You Always. Missing you always!
  • Missing you always!

  • pa_arora
    07-09 02:39 PM
    I was talking abut this from the past 1 year approx (going on the streets). Good that we have finally decided to get ourselves heard on those deaf ears.

    I am in for SJ.

    One more suggestion, even if we dont see too much gathering there we should not stop here & should keep doing this atleast every couple of months.

    hot and will miss you always. Miss You Always. I love you always, Joey
  • I love you always, Joey

  • crazy_gc
    06-10 12:12 PM
    What service center was it from? Was it a concurrent filing of I140 and 485?

    NSC and it was just 140...yet to dispatch 485 application


    house Smile Always be Proud i Miss Miss You Always. I MISS YOU SO MUCH !! like
  • I MISS YOU SO MUCH !! like

  • alisa
    12-12 12:24 AM
    in one of the threads its said that all 90 senators had agreed to pass the SKIL as against one who did not (sen sessions) and since lame duck required unanimous voting it cud not, but when the demo's bring it up early next year, they would not need an unanimous vote on it but a majority vote? so statistically it sud get through? how far off am i on this?

    Good question.
    Also, I just learnt (through this forum) about 'hold'. Senator Sessions had put a 'hold' (a non-written tradition needing consent to raise in the senate) on the Cornyn bill.
    Is that only for the lameduck session? Or is it true in general? Can senators put a 'hold' on a matter in any senate session? If that is true, then Senator Sessions can never even let this matter come up in senate in 2007 (and after.)

    tattoo i miss you always my teeruk Miss You Always. “I love you Mom will miss you
  • “I love you Mom will miss you

  • rp0lol
    08-12 02:05 PM
    What does ADIT processing means any idea is that we need to go to local USCIS office for the interview?

    Your new permanent resident card should be mailed within 60 days following this registration or after you complete any ADIT processing referred to in the welcome notice, whichever is later. If you move before you get your new card call customer service. You can also receive automatic e-mail updates as we process your case. Just follow the link below to register.

    I posted it in a new thread but it is not appearing in the home page links

    ADIT (I-551) stamping

    Applicant appears at local USCIS for ADIT processing. Applicant will not be scheduled for an ADIT appointment, ADIT processing is done by "walk-in" basis ONLY.

    Once the applicant adjusts his/her status by completing ADIT processing, s/he is given the I-551 permanent resident stamp in his/her passport.

    Courtesy of --- Jackson & Hertogs


    pictures I miss you the most when I#39;m Miss You Always. Mom,we miss you always,
  • Mom,we miss you always,

  • hotammo
    08-26 09:02 AM
    Hi All,
    I got mine and my wife green cards on 21st august, Thursday.
    Our case was approved on August 12th.
    According to the trend I have seen it takes about 1.5 weeks to get your greencard in hand from the day you get the card production email.

    Went to the Social Security office on 22nd. (I had actually calculated the day when I would get the cards looking at the trend on IV, so I had planned for it.)

    The moment they see the GC (with a replacement card application of course) they know what to do. I think they do it very frequently.

    Should get the new Social Security cards (which do NOT have a line at the top that says DHS authorization required to work), in a week or so.

    Also I got I-131 DENIED email 2 days after my 485 was approved (I had applied for renewal). Yesterday got the letter form USCIS in the mail for the denial of I-131.

    dresses I love you always, Joey Miss You Always. You always I Miss You 3d.
  • You always I Miss You 3d.

  • gc28262
    03-06 05:22 PM
    Section 202 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) states that the per-country limit for preference immigrants is set at 7% of the total annual employment-based preference limits. This means a country with large population like India and a tiny country like Lichtenstein get same number of visa numbers. This system is designed to systematically discriminate people from India and China by preventing them from attaining employment visas. More research needs to be done whether this constitutes a violation of US Equal Employment Opportunity Law. We need to find out whether this constitutes discrimination by national origin. Below is is some relevant reading material:

    This link says employer cannot discriminate based on country of origin.
    USCIS/government is free to discriminate against country of origin.


    makeup I miss you! Miss You Always. Smile Always be Proud i Miss
  • Smile Always be Proud i Miss

  • akred
    05-23 03:03 AM
    Ran it through spell check and fixed typos and grammar.

    Akred, I have copied your corrected version you just posted here into the first main post and removing message from this post to avoid confusion. Thanks for understanding. - logiclife.

    girlfriend “I love you Mom will miss you Miss You Always. I will always miss you.
  • I will always miss you.

  • pappu
    08-18 01:35 PM
    IV Core is Busy withdrawing money from the bank account.

    DO NOT post such baseless allegations.

    IV core is very much aware of the problems as we ourselves face them, and working within our limited means and time. If you are interested, join us and give your helping hand.

    hairstyles Missing you always! Miss You Always. indeed i do miss you alot.
  • indeed i do miss you alot.

  • PavanV
    09-09 08:16 PM

    Is it not true that you would need to invest 1 million or so to get the GC ?, i am EB 2 with PD July 09 (not approved yet), my options are, a) go back b) go back c) go back , so i guess we will wait for this CIR, if it does not pass, and if I am still here, then I am outta here :cool:

    For people like me with 3-Year degree EB2 is not an option. The only option I see is Investor Route...

    05-19 01:31 PM
    I am a July 2nd Filer.

    No FP yet.

    Details in signature.

    07-09 10:41 AM
    I found this in the one of the forums.. please people contact the report have people hear us.

    Story for the Washington Post


    Hi all,

    I'm a reporter with the Washington Post. If your efforts result in Emilio Gonzalez receiving hundreds of flowers tomorrow, I would very much like to do a story on it. If you're interested in speaking with me and telling me your story and why you've decided to participate in this demonstration, please give me an email or call me. My contact information is below.

    office phone: 202 334 6701