Wednesday, June 29, 2011

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  • heywhat
    09-15 02:20 PM

    The columns exist but will be hidden.

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  • gc_sri
    08-29 12:54 AM
    Received on jul 23rd NSC...
    No receipts yet...

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  • shukla77
    02-18 04:52 PM
    Question remains.. Why ? Why people dont do what is expected when they know that these initiatives are going to help them?

    There was a thread poll for another rally, but how many members came forward? How many IV members made an effort to convince others to vote on that poll so that IV core can plan for a rally?

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  • kumarc123
    05-08 03:47 PM
    I dont believe in flower/food/sos campaigns to resolve this problem...just because it worked once before doesnt mean it is going to work again..have we pursued a class action lawsuit against Department of State/Labor/USCIS for unlawful discrimination based on the country of birth in Employment Based Visas. Any idea if IV core ever took up this path? Can we attempt to do this? What are the costs involved and can we get some good lawyer representation to this goal?

    We could rally in DC and consider a lawsuit, all these lawyers advertisements you see flashing on here, when are they going to come to use? I am sure they will be able to offer a good price, if not I am sure their are a lot if immigration lawyers waiting to be a part of IV community which is gaining some momentum.

    Guys I request you all, please don't wait for more time and keep contemplating your actions or putting down other IV members, we have argued and demeaned each other enough. It is my humble request, to get together and do something big

    Lets not waste time, may be our action will repeat July 07. A classic lawsuit against USCIS for Racial Discrimination which is pushing immigrants back to their countries, also we could involve professor Wadhwa's input on this.


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  • rcr_bulk
    09-10 12:28 PM
    Unless and untill everybody in EB3 has contributed ataleast a $1000.00 to the immigrationvoice cause, its waste of time to discuss about the EB3-India movement. Any way we have to spend a lot more than $1000.00 in renewing EADs, H1Bs and H4s.

    Otherwise just wait and pray for the CIR bill to pass. Then every body in the EB category will get the benefit being the EB3- India/China are the greatest benefitters.

    How can contributing $1000.00 to immigration voice solves this problem? You are telling like a swami's in India, give me money I will do some pooja on your behalf and all your problems will be solved.

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  • delhiguy
    07-08 08:51 PM
    If that is so, no one who is on H1-b can sue their employer for exploiting them. BTW, I personally know people who have successfully sued their employer (US company) for not paying the salary they agreed.

    Under the special labor law

    U can sue anybody you want dear..

    I am not a lawyer and this is not a legal advice, and i may be wrong


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  • Saralayar
    03-16 06:57 PM
    some useful info from Ron gotcher
    I do not see any article related to the EB3 prediction in the URL link you have provided.

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  • eb3_nepa
    12-11 12:36 PM
    Lets take another view of this "realistic" angle : Its common sense to go after the low hanging fruit first (I-485, filing EAD etc), but what we conveniently forget is in that case we will not have any support whatsoever from the corporates,AILA,health care industry etc. It will have to be a solo effort from IV for which we would need the support and active contributions from at least half of the one million EB applicants affected by this mess. So far, we have piggy-backed on CIR and SKIL both of which were to a large extent driven by corporate interest. If you take these realities into consideration, provisions like 485 etc are not low hanging fruits any more, because we no longer have a stool to stand on. Given the infamous intertia of the lawmakers, introducing our own independent provisions will take a lot more than a membership base of around 6-7K, a contributing base of around 2k and a free-riding/blissfully ignorant base of 900k+.

    Unless we become a truly representative organisation of prospective EB immigrants, we cannot take on the combined might of the anti-immigrants and the H1 thristy corporates. Not to be negative, just giving an alternate opinion.

    Most of the time we have to search for bills to attach our provisions anyways. The only problem is that right now all our provisions are either being labeled as "quota increase" or are being attached to "Quota Increase" bills. Try and remember S-1932, CIR and SKIL. AILA will always be after H1 Increase and so will Big Corps. Only this time instead of seperating ourselves as "EB only" we try to piggyback on either "Quota increase" bills OR we try and piggyback on just about ANY bill we can piggyback onto. Most of the times weird bills get combined (S1932 for example).

    If 2006 has taught us anything it should be "Do NOT try and increase quotas and numbers". For starters it takes TOO long to do and there is MUCH more opposition from even the average American. Remember the IV Core telling us how the Anti-immigrant calls far outnumbered our calls during the Recent SKIL bill? Guys even the biggest Corps have been unsuccessful in getting Visa number increases. Do we honestly believe that with 6,000 members who are NOT a voting base (and may never be) + the lack of funds, we are going to do what these big guns have not been able to accomplish? Am I saying we should give up? HELL NO!! All I am saying is, it is time to review our strategy. Over and above all this, if we think that our current course will bring us victory then let the majority prevail.


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  • sayantan76
    07-08 02:46 PM
    It all comes down to priorities. If someone's aim to have GC at any cost, he/she will do everything to get to the finish line -- i.e. 180 days past I-485. In my opinion, GC process should be part of life, and it should not hijack 100% of time of highly skilled professional. No wonder, we see so many posts where person is waiting for AC-21 so as to get rid of "blood-sucking employer". For a neutral person, both employee and employer are using system to suit their needs.

    Some people will go the extent of using term "slavery", whereas, actually, their thought process is slaved to the GC process.

    And, employers know this very well and try to use to their advantage.

    >> have 2 years of experience or so, think that they have certain skills and employers would not live without them
    You have described it very well. I have met many of such professionals while interviewing them for jobs. But, the reality is, these same professionals are scraed of their jobs being outsourced.

    Some are simple cookie cutter prgrammers and compare themselves to reasearch scientists and technologically superior.

    Another thing, I have noticed is that while on H-1B, vast majority of professionals claim that they are getting paid prevaling wages, but, on the other hand, they also claim they can make upto 50% more, if they had EAD or green card. Ironic! Isn't it.

    You are right. These are the rules set by current EB immigration system.

    With this so called "exploitation" by whole Employment Based Immigrations, these professionals turn blind eye to whole thing after getting Green Card. Afterall they are, rightly, professionals.

    How many times we see any green card holder or citizen supporting fellow immigrants?

    H1 does not care for F1.
    EAD does not care for H1/F1.
    GC holder does not care for EAD/H1/F1
    Citizens wonder why immigration level is so high.

    Taking a quote from MTV Roadies program, each professional (roadie) is alone and has to look after his own best interests.

    The exchange between Chanduv and Desi3933 has been a refreshingly objective discussion and is a welcome change from the typical hyper-reactionary posts one sees more frequently in this forum.

    One of the features of the fight for EB immigration reforms we all need to be cognizant of is - that most (99%) of the members are in this fight to solve an immediate personal problem (visa situation) in a timely manner - most of us are not in it because we believe it to be a cause larger than us and a cause that demands personal sacrifice - and hence the lack of collective passion (lukewarm responses to IV sponsored drives, donation efforts etc.)

    While - many have tried to compare this cause to India's independence struggle or Gandhiji's movement in South Africa - but the fundamental difference is that in both these struggles - people who led the struggles led it at a personal cost (Gandhiji willingly gave away a lucrative career to take up the struggle and so did Nehru; Netaji Bose was a Civil Services Officer and gave it up) - even the vast majority of revolutionaries (Bhagat Singh et al) were college educated professionals who could easily have had nice careers in British India.........and therein lies the fundamental difference......not one of us would willingly give up what we have for this struggle - we are in it because we are stuck in a system and want some soon as our particular situation gets resolved...we move on....(maybe there are a few exceptions and hats off to these folks).........and hence Desi - the answer to your question why H1 does not care for F1 and EAD does not care for H1 and so is not a collective cause - it is just a collection of individual causes - thats all - we would be fooling ourselves if we had some other grandiose visions - calling this group a cause would be the same as calling passengers on a bus one group - they are in the same bus simply because they share a part of their journey - thats it

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  • caeb2rir
    08-03 04:52 PM
    My checks got cleared at TSC today.

    My 140 was approved at TSC, sent 485 to Nebraska on June 22, they received on June 25. I called to check status yesterday, the lady said to wait. On asking if case will be transferred to TSC and if TSC will generate receipts, she said she doesn't know, but it may take at least 2-3 weeks to process receipts at Nebraska.


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  • sGC
    08-22 12:29 PM
    On Aug 19th we got our CPO emails. I was on vacation so couldn't post the message to the site. After that no updates from USCIS. Still waiting on the Notice mails.

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  • kshitijnt
    05-10 12:37 AM
    I can very well relate to your desperation and anger, but please don't react emotionally. The legal or technical fact remains that no-one guranteed us GC and truth of the matter is most of us said "No" when immigration officer asked " do you have plans to settle in State?" So their is no question of equitable treatment.

    . No Sir, I can't say thier is conspiracy as I know of none. As of us doing favor? ... is completly wrong, we all knew what and why we are coming here for. Had we had better choice we would have opted for that. Let's be honest to ourselves.

    That my friend is captilism and welcome to USA. No I am not going to accept, but I am also not going to wave my fist in air and cry in-justices.

    I am sorry to sound rude and know you must be going thru a lot and this news made things worst for you, as they did for all of us. But lets also accept the truth and believe me, things will change .... they will, when? I don't know but they will. Just don't lose hope.

    Until 2005 I did not want to settle here and hence I marked no on my visa application. After 2005, I changed my mind and we had applied twice (me and my spouse) and hence we marked yes on the question whether any immigrant application was filed on our behalf. No we did not lie there. And even if many people did, do you think those who come from Europe or visa free countries mark "yes" when they apply first time? So your point is moot there. Most people from visa free countries come here work here visa free and go back. They never even get asked a question. How come we get fingerprinted, photographed twice, interrogated twice and yet targeted when it comes to GC?

    I am not against capitalism but I am against fighting injustice such as you dont get GC because you were born in India. And yes change will come but if we dont do anything we get nothing.


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  • minimalist
    08-18 02:05 PM
    My reaction would have been the same if you were in Eb1 category. The fact is that I am trying to mobilize some people to get few things done. Of course, motivated by my self interest.

    I was against SunnySurya's porting agenda and still am. But the current issue he is taking up is a genuine one. There should be a reasonable processing expectation that the earlier the PD the sooner the GC,with all other things (like category)being equal.

    However eb3_nepa has a valid point too that you can't expect to utilize core's time/energy.
    In my opinion, SunnySurya is going in right direction championing this cause.
    All the best.
    EB3 -I , May 2006
    Contribution $100

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  • geesee
    09-21 12:31 PM
    Checks got cashed today! Plz see signature for more details..


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  • lsbk
    10-02 04:10 PM
    And what time? Hopefully, I will be in that box.

    :(Iam so sorry GKBest. I did ask my attorney's office about who received it and at what time. But they did not provide me any details about it and just said it was received at Nebraska on July 3rd morning. Hope you get your receipts soon.

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  • reddymjm
    06-12 05:58 AM
    Sent in concurrent filing 1-140 & I-1485 on June 1st .

    RD June 4th
    ND June 5th
    All checks cashed including PP for I-140 ON 2nd June 2007.

    I have a couple of questions:-

    How long before i get a answer on Premium Processing on I-140.

    How long for Finger Printing notice.

    How long before i get EAD.

    Can i renew my CA drivers license with I-1485 filing receipt or do i have to wait for EAD.

    Thanks folks and hang in there.( It took 6 years for LC approval).

    Usually it is a maximum of 2 weeks. NSC approved some in 2 days.
    FP notice in a month or so..
    EAD 90 days minimum I guess. I don't know about the other one as I live in MI. we do not need anything like that here.


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  • brainpower1
    06-11 11:50 AM
    My attorney asked just to give one cheque for $745 each for myself and my spouse for I-485, I -131 and I-765. Our applications will be filed today.

    Is this OK. Will all the 3 receipt numbers be printed on the back of one cheque. Please let me know if anyone of you have done the same. Thank you.

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  • gcisadawg
    08-10 11:31 PM
    Congratulations !! Wish there was a "welcome kit" buddy ... but all you will receive is an I-797 ...welcome notice :)

    It would be cool if there is a $1000 Gift card for Circuit city and a $1000 Gift card for Home depot along with the welcome notice. The newly minted PR can expedite his decision to buy a home that has been pending for the lack of GC and spend the gift cards to accessorize it!


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  • mnkaushik
    08-26 03:40 PM
    OK Thanks. And any recent LUD on 485 and already approved EAD (such as 08/21/2010 as most of us got)? Just trying to derive some pattern here...

    None on the 485 and we are really not tracking the EAD.

    07-24 07:23 PM
    Like poste din another thread, I called USCIS customer service today to speak about EAD application that has been pending for 60+ days. The Phone rep told that he cannot give me any information about any cases right now since their "system is down". I asked for clarificationand he said that cases are still being processed but the system used to view status is down. Not sure what that means.

    Not sure if this will cause any more delays .............. I need EAD renewed by Sept since my current one expires then

    Also anybody has any ideas on what "Plan B" might be if renewal is further delayed by sept?

    05-23 12:29 PM
    The point system has worked well in both Canada and New Zealand and have moved those who meet the threshold through the immigration system faster. As an non paying IV member, I am not in favor of opposing the current bill.

    Where did you get this idea that IV is opposed to the point system? Any reference to the IV analysis or the core member response would be appreciated before you put such a claim.

    We have identified our objectives clearly. Taking a position for the bill (in favor of or in opposition to) does not neccesarily mean that we want to kill this bill, but instead we like the congress to treat this community fairly and at parity with the undocumented immigrants and family-based applicants in the current Immigration Reform bill S. 1348.

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