Wednesday, June 29, 2011

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  • arunmohan
    09-09 08:02 PM
    Totally agree with you dude, is IV doing anything about this issue?

    Dont bark at not donating, will donate if this issue is given serious consideration as well.


    What are plans and strategy for EB3?

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  • fundo14
    06-07 12:36 AM
    Hey dont give up ur Canadian PR. U have worked so hard for it. Just think about it. What if ur US GC goes for a toss (god forbid)? The idea was to use Canadian PR as a backup so do it. Also, I completed my landing in Canada recently. PM me if u need more info...


    How did you reenter US? Using H1 or AP?

    I have already used AP once and I am hearing lot of stories about US Immigration creating lot of problem while enetering back in US using AP as they feel that we are doing some kind of fraud ny trying to maintain PR in Cananda & USA

    Please shear your experience of Landing.

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  • panky72
    09-17 05:42 PM
    applied july 12 NSC, called IO today and got receipt no LIN-07259XXXXX eneterd into system on sept 13th. Checks not cashed yet!!!

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  • shozee
    12-31 12:22 PM
    Im posting for first time
    plaease pardon me if im in wrong thread .
    Im july 5th filer .Filed I140 and I 485 conc .Opened SR for FP because didnt recieve it till NOV .In day after opening SR i got Fp notice .Obvously nothin to do with SR .Got reply for SR after a month which says " Status I-485 USCIS is waiting boimetrics info to produce permanent residency card "
    Any idea what would this statement mean ?
    I_140 & 485 fild July 5th 2007
    PD curent


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  • Posted by admin in Hair Tips

  • simple1
    05-08 01:39 PM

    VISA BULLETIN FOR JUNE 2009 sets back EB2 priority back to 01JAN00.

    Some thing needs to be done. The easist will be not counting ebdependents in ebquota. This should be very easy. There is no INA law linking ebquota with ebdependents.

    I need IV Core help for this.

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  • kshitijnt
    07-09 01:22 PM
    well, the question then would be, has anyone been denied after presenting an EVL which states the employee is a consultant ?

    Getting a letter is not a big deal. What if I am a full time consultant in that company?


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  • jsb
    11-01 02:02 PM
    Summary of AC21 law provisions poste above.

    (1) It is not necessary to work for GC sponsoring employer prior to getting GC
    (2) USCIS should be advised (after 180 days of AOS pending) with new job offer (in same/similar classification), and your intentions of using AC21
    (3) Sponsoring employer can not withdraw I-140 after 180 days of AOS pending
    (4) Sponsoring employer CAN withdraw I-140 within 180 days.

    July 2 filers should keep their sponsoring employer happy until Dec 29, with no suggestions that you might be thinking to leave. Do whatever you want thereafter.

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  • gccovet
    02-10 09:45 AM
    I am sending a $50.00 check today.

    Thank you RS_123.

    This brings us to $919.00


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  • Tito_ortiz
    05-24 01:09 AM
    I am sorry to tell you that if you are not a voter and you do not clarify that at the time you call or fax congressmen, your request is practically useless. Don't believe if others tell you otherwise.

    I made phone calls to all (10 + 2) successfully left messages for 8 but the following 4 had issues,

    Sen. Cornyn's and Sen. McConnell's office phone systems do not direct you to a voicemail system (I was calling after office hours so I couldnt speak to someone either), and,

    I get a 'voicemail machine full' message from the Reid and Martinez offices.

    Wonder if anyone else has faced the same problem.

    Will try those 4 again tomorrow


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  • ski_dude12
    08-25 07:42 PM
    Not my case. It is being actively being processed. That was the reply I got to the SR I opened.

    What about ur case? Is that assigned to an officer as well?


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  • akhilmahajan
    02-09 12:01 PM
    Thanks a lot. Please ask your friends and family to also contribute.


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  • akred
    05-23 03:58 AM
    Sent to 2+10 senators.


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  • xbeartai
    05-23 01:52 PM

    Published: May 23, 2007

    First I had to laugh. Then I had to cry.

    I took part in commencement this year at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute,
    one of America's great science and engineering schools, so I had a front-row
    seat as the first grads to receive their diplomas came on stage, all of
    them Ph.D. students. One by one the announcer read their names and each was
    handed their doctorate - in biotechnology, computing, physics and
    engineering - by the school's president, Shirley Ann Jackson.

    The reason I had to laugh was because it seemed like every one of the newly
    minted Ph.D.'s at Rensselaer was foreign born. For a moment, as the foreign
    names kept coming - "Hong Lu, Xu Xie, Tao Yuan, Fu Tang" - I thought that
    the entire class of doctoral students in physics were going to be Chinese,
    until "Paul Shane Morrow" saved the day. It was such a caricature of what
    President Jackson herself calls "the quiet crisis" in high-end science
    education in this country that you could only laugh.

    Don't get me wrong. I'm proud that our country continues to build
    universities and a culture of learning that attract the world's best minds.
    My complaint - why I also wanted to cry - was that there wasn't someone from
    the Immigration and Naturalization Service standing next to President
    Jackson stapling green cards to the diplomas of each of these foreign-born
    Ph.D.'s. I want them all to stay, become Americans and do their research and
    innovation here. If we can't educate enough of our own kids to compete at
    this level, we'd better make sure we can import someone else's, otherwise we
    will not maintain our standard of living.

    It is pure idiocy that Congress will not open our borders - as wide as
    possible - to attract and keep the world's first-round intellectual draft
    choices in an age when everyone increasingly has the same innovation tools
    and the key differentiator is human talent. I'm serious. I think any foreign
    student who gets a Ph.D. in our country - in any subject - should be
    offered citizenship. I want them. The idea
    that we actually make it difficult for them to stay is crazy.

    Compete America, a coalition of technology companies, is pleading with
    Congress to boost both the number of H-1B visas available to companies
    that want to bring in skilled foreign workers and the number of employment-
    based green cards given to high-tech foreign workers who want to stay here.
    Give them all they want! Not only do our companies need them now, because we
    're not training enough engineers, but they will, over time, start many more
    companies and create many more good jobs than they would possibly displace.
    Silicon Valley is living proof of that - and where innovation happens
    matters. It's still where the best jobs will be located.

    Folks, we can't keep being stupid about these things. You can't have a world
    where foreign-born students dominate your science graduate schools,
    research labs, journal publications and can now more easily than ever go
    back to their home countries to start companies - without it eventually
    impacting our standard of living - especially when we're also slipping
    behind in high-speed Internet penetration per capita. America has fallen
    from fourth in the world in 2001 to 15th today.

    My hat is off to Andrew Rasiej and Micah Sifry, co-founders of the Personal
    Democracy Forum. They are trying to make this an issue in the presidential
    campaign by creating a movement to demand that candidates focus on our
    digital deficits and divides. (See: <>.) Mr. Rasiej, who unsuccessfully ran for public advocate of New York City in 2005 on a platform calling for low-cost wireless access everywhere, notes that "only half of America has broadband access to the Internet." We need to go from "No Child Left Behind," he says, to "Every Child

    Here's the sad truth: 9/11, and the failing Iraq war, have sucked up almost
    all the oxygen in this country - oxygen needed to discuss seriously
    education, health care, climate change and competitiveness, notes Garrett
    Graff, an editor at Washingtonian Magazine and author of the upcoming book "
    The First Campaign," which deals with this theme. So right now, it's mostly
    governors talking about these issues, noted Mr. Graff, but there is only so
    much they can do without Washington being focused and leading.

    Which is why we've got to bring our occupation of Iraq to an end in the
    quickest, least bad way possible - otherwise we are going to lose Iraq and
    America. It's coming down to that choice.

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  • kshitijnt
    07-09 02:24 PM
    where is the attachment?

    It was a long time dialogue from various websites / including my attorney , that you cannot work for your own company on AC21 basis.,0520-ac21.pdf

    Here is the link. Your attorney is not the law. Some other attorney might say you can do it.


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  • alterego
    10-26 12:03 AM
    Hi Ahimsa and other poster who questioned this:

    Why SKULL bill ? As a high level manager I have learned after years of experience that you need to use good sense of humor, satirize when confronted with insanities and very stressful situations. In my life such a twaddle this immigration process has been that I need to come up to this forum and sometimes make some of us laugh a little bit from this situation. Calling it SKULL bill is a way to apply my sense of humor to this process. Please do not take this as an offense.

    Please, please. Folks, didn't you see and - a reliable pro immigration sources - outlining that that anti CIR calls outnumbered the pro CIR calls 400:1 ? Go to and research the info there by yourself if you don't trust me.

    One more indication for you, which doesn't rely on biased polls:
    In spite of massive lobby and muscles leveraged by the corporate sector, why do you think immigration bills - both pro legal and pro illegal - have been unsuccessful in the last two years ? Come on guys, by now you should not be questioning whether the public is against amnesty or even legal immigration. It is evident that the majority of citizens do not benefit from more immigration. Do you have an idea how much lobbying $ got involved on this without much success so far ? I am surprised that you are even raising this question. Why Americans should want more foreigners to compete with them when the real wages have declined ? That would defy logic.

    Here, a fresh related evidence. Those who have an open mind should be able to understand this:

    Does the Workplace Welcome Differ?

    Are Americans more welcoming to Asian immigrants than to Hispanics/Latinos? C.N. Le, who directs the Asian American Studies Program at the University of Massachusetts, calls it "a complicated issue." She thinks that "Americans in general are becoming slightly less welcoming to immigrants in general. Part of it has to do with illegal immigration, but it spills over and affects legal immigrants too. There is always workplace tension between those who gets jobs, and those who get left out."

    Talk about this article and get advice on the Diversity at Work message board.

    Here is a fresh poll for you, since you asked: (the poll was not conducted by though).

    QUESTION A: If immigration continues at its current level for the next 50 years, experts estimate that it will add approximately 100 million people to the United States population, which currently is 300 million. Knowing this, would you say the country needs to:
    % SAYING

    NOTE: Typically, poll results for categories are released to the public in rounded numbers that will tend not to add up precisely to 100%.

    REDUCE number of immigrants INCREASE number of immigrants Keep number the same Not sure
    ALL VOTERS 64 3 26 6
    Male 64 3 26 6
    Female 65 2 26 6
    Democrat 59 2 32 6
    Independent 59 4 31 4

    Immigration is a demographic imperative for America and the rest of the western world. Fact is the modern western cultures that empower women, encourage them to the workplace, make contraception/abortion freely available and make alternative lifestyles a choice, leads to a drop in fertility rates. Liberal leaning countries have amongst the lowest fertility rates, well below replacement levels.

    The above makes it an imperative to import labour and yes sheer people to take care of the old and infirm, to keep the service sector rolling even if manufacturing etc is outsourced. The only question is what kind of immigration and how much of it. In short the answer is the USA is not a dumb country, it generally always acts in its self interest faced with these choices. I believe EB immigration will soon be liberalised. This would be a smart thing especially if coupled with a crackdown on illegal immigration.

    US population is growing yes, but the elderly population is exploding. More are getting older (baby boomers) and once there there they are sticking aroung longer. I wish there was a measure of working age population only, the growth of that population is probably much less than that of the general population.

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  • immigrationvoice1
    03-26 10:23 AM
    Any comment from anyone?

    Wanted to know what the members here think of the probability of receiving RFE from USCIS to find out whether the applicant is still in a "same or similar" job when the time comes to adjudicate cases for for EB3 India.

    I ask this because in a poll conducted in a separate thread, it seems the number of people waiting for their GCs are more with PDs before Dec 2004 than after that date.

    When the dates become current again for these people, do you think USCIS will be sending RFEs to get the employment information for every single of them ? Is there is a percentage from the pending applications that they pick for RFE, assuming all applicants who changed employers DID NOT notify USCIS when they changed jobs OR is it completely up to the whims of the adjudicating officer to send an RFE ?

    There are several people I know who changed employers with EAD, never notified USCIS and got their GCs without any RFE. Trying to understand whether USCIS will think twice before sending RFEs for everyone as the number of applicants waiting with PDs of 2004 and earlier are huge now than ever before. Won't it be too overwhelming for them to issue RFEs to all and manage their responses?


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  • Sakthisagar
    08-09 10:59 AM
    Why are you not taking EB1 into account where the diff is 9 - 10 years. I came to US on L1 in 2001 Then applied for EB3 in 2004 which was deneied in 2006. Then started in EB2 in 2006. So if you consider, I have been here since 2001 not that I just come in 2006. Like the same way you too move up in your career and then apply for EB2.

    Read this once more...

    That is the TRUTH. But TRUTH sometimes is undigestable and it hurts a lot, and especially people who is having an agenda it hurts a lot! :-)

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  • keshtwo
    08-13 08:21 PM
    Here is my update:

    EB2 - India
    PD - Sep/2006
    I 140 approved - Dec 2006
    I 485 Date received July 2nd 2007
    RD - checks were cashed (date - July 30, 2007)
    FP - Got a mail from USCIS regarding finger printing (scheduled - August 29,2007)

    So far no receipt by mail, application is at Nebraska.

    Yo man, you are one lucky dude! Nebraska hasn't issued many fp mails to July filers.

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  • pappu
    02-01 09:43 AM

    To conduct such an effort, IV also needs contributions. Our estimated cost is around $50,000 for the event. We need generous contributions from our members, especially from members who are unable to make it to the DC event. To be clear, all one time contributions starting from February 1st will be considered as a contribution to the advocacy event. All the recurring donations will continue to go towards Donor forum access. Our advocacy event costs will be on top of our regular costs and we need to pay for both.

    03-06 04:26 PM
    What pisses me off is that there are 220,000 visa numbers every year for family based GCs while skilled immigrants get only 140,000. Nothing wrong with immigrants wanting to bring immediate family members but this is causing nothing but chain migration. I think USA give more GCs to cab drivers than skilled immigrants.

    02-02 12:52 PM
    Nobody is holding them back and that is the very reason they are planning to go back... got it ?

    Your rant in the post of all things, especially about the caste system seems like the half baked knowledge of a westerner bloating and carrying the caste "issue" to stratospheric levels!

    I don't from what area in India exposed you to your experiences, but apart from the ridiculous reservations and quota system, there have been no caste related issues that I or my family faced while in western India. Be it working with people from all castes, making friends with them or really helping the neglected. This was the case with my neighbors or any relatives.

    Looking at the numerous corruption scandals and making a hoopla about it or relating it tightly to the ancient family values (that India has) that one can give to the children is quite narrow minded. For that matter I can make a big list of scandals in almost every country. There were numerous scandals in 80's and 90's in India - that didn't affect the kind of right values my parents imparted in my siblings or I. I can say the same for my several friends.

    Things are in constant flux in any country - while the divorce rate, teenage mothers, suicide rate was very low in the early 1900's in the US, it went up by orders of magnitude in the last 50 years. Teenage smoking was rampant in the 70's and 80's it went down dramatically after that.

    People wanted to free themselves from the rigid value system and hence the 1960's and 70's hippie movement - what did they do - drugs, sex and alcohol - didn't go anywhere (remnants of which we still see in the US "culture") ! They turned themselves to service, philanthropy and spirituality and found a new way of looking at things - great things have happened thro' the initiatives of these Americans.

    Having a static view of things is really claustrophobic and is a seed of frustration and negativity. Generalizing everything is even worse.

    To understand the culture of India, you need to scratch deeper and assimilate it.

    I couldn't have agreed with you more...When I meet people and they say Indian Culture is great, India is Gr8, the life here is boring and kind of nonsense I don't understand Y they are here of course for better life and money. Then Y keep on complaining about the things in body is holding back others to stay here.

    I really don't understand what culture they talk about....

    @least here I don't need to bribe of simple things like getting my DL license, House registration, Going and meeting a senator, legislative. I don't need to explain to 10 people around my house if I go out and come home late night. These are just a few... I'm 100% sure I would not spend as much as time I spend with my family now excluding the weekends. I can't imagine going early in the morning at 7.00 and coming back home at 9.00 PM watch TV, eat and get to bed. On top of that go to work on weekends deal with relatives, neighbors, colleagues etc etc. Of course How can I forget the CASTE SYSTEM which is becoming as some people call the nation has developed. I cannot imagine my kids growing i the environment where CASTE SYSTEM is so prevalent.

    Well that is me and everybody have their own opinions. And good luck to all you want to move or stay.

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