Friday, July 1, 2011

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  • SREE_485
    08-20 11:38 AM
    I applied my EAD renewal on June 26th and it has been approved today. The current Ead status is " Card Production ordered ".

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  • snathan
    02-09 03:20 PM
    Please donate...

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  • malibuguy007
    02-18 03:42 PM
    I disagree. Changes in laws do not happen overnight and any efforts that core is making cannot be made public all the time. If they can get thousands of people the benefit of moving to EAD etc. then I am sure they are working behind the scenes to get more favorable changes done when the time is right. I have faith in their ability.

    Moreover since I am not actively volunteering in any activities the least I can do is contribute. So I call on everyone to contribute for your cause - none of us is doing anyone a favor by contributing. We are DIRECTLY favoring us by making a contribution.

    I guess the reason most of the people are not contributing is because they do not see any strategy going forward. I am sure IV core is working hard on the issues but there is lack of clarity as an organization.When the bulletins come out and dates dont move forward significantly, people start with various ideas ranging from flower campaign to eliminating country cap to EB3 - EB2 portability to ....( Most of them die by the middle of the month).If we look at the past, contribution campaigns have been successful ( up to reasonable extent) when there is a favorable bill on the floor and people see some hope. I remember till last year there was a guy ( I think Chandu13 ) who tried to motivate people for contribution by calling them coward, lazy.....Believe me it never worked...

    So I think it is time to get serious and have some synergy and that might motivate people to come forward, participate and contribute.

    Good Luck.

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  • kk_kk
    11-17 07:28 PM
    done. Thanks


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  • abq_gc
    08-17 06:22 PM
    Has anyone with the following criteria got receipt notice or have their check cashed ?
    1) I-140 approved at TSC
    2) LUD on I-140 on 07/22, 07/28, 08/05, 08/12 etc...
    3) I-485 mailed to NSC during last week of June or early July ?

    Please respond...


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  • greenlight
    08-27 08:31 PM
    Please read my signature section below for the progression of my applications. I am relieved that USCIS actually has my applications and can rest assured that those documents will sit on someone's desk or shelf for God knows how long ;)
    It took more or less 30 days to process my filing, and hopefully you will see that happening as well.

    Supoort collective cause and the DC rally. I can't attend, but am contributing $ for someone else to fly to Washington, DC.


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  • dtekkedil
    07-03 12:04 PM
    Ok folks... lets do this then... July 09th is the delivery date! Select the following link (provided by krishnam70 - thank you!)

    Select Occasion: "Sympathy"

    The message: All the best for future Employment Based visa estimates

    Delivery location type is Business, US Citizenship and Immigration Service


    Emilio T. Gonzalez
    20 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
    Washington, D.C. 20529

    Phone number: 202-307-1565

    It will be better if we do not add anything else to the message :) I know a lot of you are pissed off... but try to control your anger :D

    I hope I haven't missed any other information required to send those flowers.. if I did then please let me know :)

    The only change for now is the delivery date - July 10th instead of 09th (FTD doesn't deliver on Mondays)

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  • dfwhunt
    05-23 12:18 PM
    Emailed all senators on the list.

    Appreciate IV's core team's dedication to fight and inspire all of us.

    -Contributed $100 so-far (Proud to be part of this fight)


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  • desi3933
    01-30 03:08 PM
    Have a question. My current I-94 is valid till May 2009(entered on AP last time). What happens after May2009? Do I need to get another I-94 and how?


    It is customary to put one year expiration for I-94 for AP entry. It does not mean much.

    Not a legal advice.
    US Citizen of Indian Origin

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  • abhijitp
    11-21 02:49 PM
    Reply to a very insensitive post

    And what should the person/family do right now?

    Return to their country like nothing happened? What about the primary applicant's present job?

    Just live here in the USA, as if nothing happened? What happens to the family if they go out of status all of a sudden?

    There is no need to make the GC your only goal in life, but please don't be insensitive... there is much more to the issue than meets the eye!


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  • mrsr
    07-08 08:24 PM
    Why the hell they are looting the social security then , as non immigrant why the hell do i need it. Any congress men can answer this , they are stupid

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  • amsgc
    03-09 11:53 PM

    It ironic that you, of all people who got a GC through EB1, are questioning the importance of intellect over physical labor. It is no secret that human civilization has progressed and prospered only because some people have thought hard and attempted to invent new things. And the current EB preference system clearly reflects that importance of intellectual advancement to any society.

    The cabbie or the waiter, with due respect their profession, is a mere cog in the wheel; a facilitator. But you my friend, the high skilled immigrant, have the ability to innovate and help your society progress. You have the education and understanding that can be passed on to future generations.

    It is not to say that the waiter cannot invent, but the fact of the matter is five years on and he is still waiting tables.

    I wonder if you were waiting in limbo for five-six-seven years, would you have still made this callous remark?

    what makes you think you are more important to american society than the waiter or the cabbies? we all come to US under full disclosure but a hope that by the time our turn at GC (and Citizenship for those who care) comes - the queues would have shortened or the rules would have changed in our favor and we wont have to wait for so long......


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  • paskal
    07-08 09:40 PM
    140K GCs are available on Oct 1. But, dates are not current. Based on this, there appears to be a law that prevents USCIS from recieving ALL AOSs. I am guessing that this law specifies a cap on AOSs that USCIS can recieve from lawyers. (This is why I am keen on knowing conditions for setting dates in VB)

    The following argues that it is hard for this cap to reach exactly on the end of every month.

    It is impossible to believe that this cap was not violated in June when it is possible that USCIS got 200K-600K AOSs.

    only 27% of the annual quota is released Oct 1
    the first 3 quarters cannot use more than 27% each
    that is the whole issue
    on the first working day of the month/quarter, where were the remaining 19%
    that should be available by law?
    how can they allot them on sunday (july 1)? if so they must be willing to accept my application on sunday too...

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  • gc_peshwa
    02-16 08:54 PM
    Donated $100 for this event apart from my recurring monthly donations. Plan to spread the word about the advocacy with my colleagues tomorrow.

    Go IV!


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  • saimrathi
    07-10 02:42 PM
    I wish there was a link to the coverage..

    Looks like CNN - India covered the our flower campaign story on TV!

    Just got an SMS from India!

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  • lasvegas
    02-05 04:57 PM
    Don't know. But researching on this aspect could be an eye opener to LOT of people who applied for I-485 during July 2nd and also have applied for Canada gc in the past.


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  • Googler
    07-08 05:41 PM
    no it will not be voilation of the law at all. consider this scenario thats been going on for the last 30+ years. For example July 2006 visa bulletin for EB2 india was jan 2003 and the August 2006 visa bulletin for EB2 india was unavailable. EB2 india visa numbers might have already been used up when the August 2006 visa bulletin was released but they still accepted the AOS petitions filed until the end of July 2006, they did not issue an updated visa bulletin or a revised visa bulletin saying eb2 india numbers are used up and they will not accept eb2 india aos applications, they continued accpeting AOS applications until the end of july 2006.

    Pitha -- you forget one very important thing -- they still wasted 10K visas in 2006. So in Aug and July they had not actually consumed all the visas -- they just expected to in August and didn't manage to.

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  • gcspace
    10-03 10:04 AM
    It was reached on July 16, 09:00 AM Lincoln,Nebraska,no RN yet :(

    My wife's package is also at 9am July 16th, R Pitcher

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  • h4hopeful
    07-02 10:43 AM
    Like Voldemar said in this post

    All EB categories are unavailable starting today (July 2nd) up to October 1, 2007 when they will provide further details about new cutoffs

    07-09 07:22 PM
    Can you post the template of the email you are sending to the reporters.

    - AA

    Flowers to Convey Hopes and Concerns of Skilled, Legal Immigrants
    July 9, 2007
    Hundreds of legal, highly-skilled workers, who feel disappointed by the recent "flip-flop" enacted by the Department of State (DoS) and the United States Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS), with regards to eliminating the Green-Card processing delays, plan to send flowers to the USCIS Director, Emilio Gonzalez as a part of a symbolic and peaceful protest.
    The flowers are scheduled to be delivered to his office at 20 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Washington D.C. through various flower vendors.
    July 10th, 2007.
    With this effort, they hope to create awareness about their predicament and express their anguish and frustration at the reversal and the lack of action from the Government. These are the highly skilled workers who have been driving the innovation in the US for many decades and have been living in this country legally and yet, they feel that their issues, concerns and contributions to the economy have largely gone unnoticed.
    There are 140,000 Green cards allocated for highly-skilled workers and their dependents in a fiscal year (unused visas may not be rolled over to the next year). However, due to over-subscription, thousands of highly-skilled workers, including engineers, scientists, MBAs and health care professionals have been waiting patiently for years in order to be eligible to apply for their Green cards.
    On June 13th, 2007, DoS provided a glimmer of hope to these aspiring legal immigrants, by announcing in their visa bulletin that all Employment-based green card applicants and their dependents would be eligible to apply for their Green cards, during the month of July 2007. Following this announcement, most of these future Americans and their sponsoring businesses, began a scramble to compile the documents and complete medical examinations required for their applications. After overcoming several hurdles and enduring hardships, these applicants eagerly waited for July 2, 2007 to send out their applications to the USCIS. However, to their dismay, the DoS, in an unprecedented move, issued an addendum to the visa bulletin, on the very day that the USCIS should have begun accepting their applications, stating that all available visa numbers for the current fiscal year had been used up and that no new applications would be accepted.
    This sudden reversal has resulted in emotional distress and financial losses for these individuals and businesses.
    Now, these highly-skilled professionals have decided to call attention to the "broken" immigration system in the U.S. for legal immigrants, by sending flowers to the USCIS Director, Emilio Gonzalez. They request that the USCIS honor the original visa bulletin and accept applications received through the month of July. In addition, they hope to encourage the U.S. Government to create more fool-proof immigration policies for the forthcoming year or at the least pass a legislation allowing the continual use of unused employment-based immigrant visa numbers from previous years.
    Dilip Tekkedil who came to the US in 1998 for graduate studies and is still waiting for his green card hopes to send a simple message with this campaign – “fix the system”, he says. On various online discussion forums, most skilled, legal immigrants want to send this message to USCIS and more broadly to the US lawmakers – “I understand that your agency does all it can to do the best job. I hope you empathize with a legal immigrant's frustration. A small token of peaceful symbolic act and hoping for the best.”
    Media Contact: This symbolic protest largely grew out of grassroots discussion on various forums on the website hosted by the group Immigration Voice. Some volunteers who work with Immigration Voice have been loosely directing this event.

    This article on the South Asian Journalist Association's forum explains the issues facing skilled, legal professionals in the US.

    Media coverage
    The Wall Street Journal: Reversal Frustrates Green-Card Applicants by MIRIAM JORDAN. July 5, 2007; Page A2
    The New York Times: Suit Planned Over Visas for the Highly Skilled by JULIA PRESTON. July 6, 2007
    The Times Of India: Green Card Hopefuls Resort to Gandhigiri in US by Chidanand Rajghatta. July 7, 2007
    The New York Times: Immigration Malpractice. July 7, 2007

    05-04 11:24 PM
    wow its pouring reds and uncivilised comments for pointing out this. Ok. well i am going to continue anyway!.

    That is not me.[/url]

    (d) Treatment of Family Members. - A spouse or child as defined in subparagraph (A), (B), (C), (D), or (E) of section 101(b)(1) shall, if not otherwise entitled to an immigrant status and the immediate issuance of a visa under subsection (a), (b), or (c), be entitled to the same status, and the same order of consideration provided in the respective subsection, if accompanying or following to join, the spouse or parent.

    same status = denied, paroled etc.
    same order of consideration=Priority date which depends on petition for both primary and derivative.
    I agree with the above two.

    "respective subsection:" here means derivative�s corresponding/respective subsection (family) not primary's or petition's. It is the situation of individual that matters not primary or petition.

    Take time to read (b) Preference Allocation for Employment-Based Immigrants.
    You will find that the eligibility for EBvisa and quota usage are clearly documented. None other than the primary can use the quota. The ebdependent cannot get an ebvisa. so ebdependent cannot use ebquota.

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